Solar Farm 2.0 SCAPES Crops Research
This is one of the research projects called ‘Agrivoltaic’ in which I’m currently involved. Ideally, ground-level solar panels help keep the soil moist, while also keeping the crops cool during the day and warm at night. In turn, the plants assist the panels in transferring water from the soil into the atmosphere. The plants keep the panels cool—and efficient—during the day, resulting in more energy production. However, crops underneath solar panels could have a confounding effect due to shading. Shading…
Soybean growth stage: R6 (full seed)
When pods contain green seeds that fills the pod at one of the four uppermost nodes on the main stem, it is usually called R6 (full seed). At R6 (full seed), seeds reach their maximum size in one or more pods on at least one of the four uppermost nodes. By mid-R6 (~R6.5), approximately 80% of the seed’s dry weight has accumulated. Subsequently, a few leaves may begin to turn, and some pods may appear lighter in color. ■ [Crop…
[Crop Note] current soybean stage (12 Sep 2023) at Champaign in IL, USA
Agronomy note □ Sowing date: 2023/05/18 □ V4: 2023/6/28 □ Flowering: 2023/08/01 □ R6: 2023/09/12 Three weeks ago, there was an insect problem on soybean leaves caused by Japanese beetles. After flowering, applying insecticide may not be advisable, and therefore I expressed my objection to such applications among several groups sharing the same field. Unless pods are damaged, it is less likely to affect grain yield at around R5. The current growth stage is R6 (full seed), and now I…
Combining Multiple Excel Files into One Using RDBMerge
When you need to consolidate specific data from dozens of Excel files into a single dataset, manually opening and copying from each file (Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V) not only takes a lot of time but also increases the risk of data errors due to momentary lapses in concentration. To address these issues, I introduce a feature that allows you to merge numerous Excel files into one seamlessly. 1. Install the program; ‘RDBMerge’ into the Excel file. download Visit…
Understanding Source-Sink Dynamics in Wheat
Wheat is generally known as sink-limitation during the grain-filling period. First, let’s explore the definition of source-sink limitation. The source-sink relationship and the regulation of carbon allocation are determining factors in crop yield. The growth of crops can be restricted by the assimilate availability in specific crop organs or by the ability of those organs to utilize assimilates. In the former case, we refer to it as source-limitation, and in the latter case, it is known as sink-limitation. The causes…
Step-by-Step Guide: Uploading Data and Conducting Statistical Analysis in SAS Studio
SAS Studio is a web version of the SAS program, and it can be used for free. As my current license for the statistical program I’ve been using is about to expire, I was searching for alternatives. Upon discovering SAS Studio, I decided to give it a try. Although I have never used SAS before, I’ve decided to take this opportunity to learn. I will now summarize the very basic learning materials I have covered up to this point. First,…
Variable-Dependent Manipulation of Point and Line Sizes in R
I will randomly create a piece of data and then proceed to plot a line graph with points for this data. I have differentiated point colors and shapes based on the variable “Genotype”. In the above code, the value geom_point(size=5) sets the point size to 5 for both GenotypeA and GenotypeB. However, I would like to increase the point size specifically for GenotypeA. I will change the code from geom_point(size=5) to geom_point(aes(size=Genotype)). This means that I will adjust the point…
Combining Multiple Excel Files into One Using Access
□ Exploring Data Management in ACCESS: Uploading Data to the Database In the previous post, we introduced how to upload Excel files to ACCESS. Now, let’s explore how to upload multiple Excel files to ACCESS and merge them into one dataset. Let’s say you have uploaded 5 Excel files to ACCESS, as shown in the image below. We will demonstrate how to merge these 5 uploaded data tables into a single data table. In Query Design, you can click on…
Converting an Excel File to an R file: Optimizing File Size
Today, I will introduce a method for converting an Excel file into an R file. I have placed an Excel file in a folder named ‘DataBase’ on the desktop. This file contains wheat grain size data, with 96,320 rows and a size of approximately 15MB. When an Excel file is large, you may experience performance issues, such as Excel slowing down during data operations, especially if your computer has limited memory. It would be more convenient to convert this Excel…
Drawing Lines in ggplot()
When using ggplot() to create multiple graphs, there are times when you might want to add separate lines to the graphs. Today, I’ll be posting about how to draw additional lines on graphs. Let’s start by generating a simple piece of data. Next, I will proceed to draw a regression graph for this data. 1) Drawing a 1:1 ratio line. To examine the slope of the regression line, I would like to draw a 1:1 ratio line. geom_abline (slope=1, linetype…
Easy-to-Understand Guide to Factorial Experiments and Two-Way ANOVA
Today, I’ll try to explain factorial experiments in the simplest way. When you apply multiple different factors simultaneously to derive experimental results, it’s called factorial experiments. The different treatments within the experiment are referred to as ‘factorials.’ In other words, a factorial is a combination of factors. [Note 1] A factorial experiment is a research design in which multiple independent variables, also known as factors, are manipulated simultaneously to analyze their combined effects on a dependent variable. The goal of…
Two-Way ANOVA Tutorial Using SAS Studio
I will introduce how to perform a Two-Way ANOVA analysis using SAS Studio. Here is the data that you have available: Upload this Excel file to SAS Studio. After uploading the Excel file to SAS Studio, create a data table named “EXP1” in My Libraries. Then, click on the EXP1 data table. Then, select the icon for generating code located at the top. By doing so, a new tab named “Program 1” will be created, allowing you to generate the…
Quantifying Phenotypic Plasticity of Crops
Phenotypic plasticity refers to the ability of an individual organism, in this case, a plant, to display varying phenotypic traits or characteristics in response to different environmental conditions. These traits can include physical features, physiological processes, and behaviors. Phenotypic plasticity is a crucial adaptive mechanism that allows organisms to optimize their survival and reproduction in varying environments. Crops are particularly reliant on phenotypic plasticity to cope with changes in factors such as light, temperature, moisture, nutrient availability, and other environmental…
Statistical Inference on Binomially Distributed Data
The primary purpose of our experiment is to validate hypotheses regarding the population of the subjects under study. As a result, the experimenter must determine whether to accept or reject these hypotheses based on the experiment’s results. In this context, the method of statistical analysis will vary depending on whether the sample data follows a normal distribution or a binomial distribution. Today, we will introduce statistical testing methods for data that conform to a binomial distribution. Let’s delve into an…
Graph Partitioning Using facet_grid() in R Studio
In my previous post, I introduced how to partition graphs using facet_wrap(). Today, I’ll introduce facet_grid(). □ Graph Partitioning Using facet_wrap() in R Studio Actually, the function is the same, but there are very subtle differences between facet_wrap() and facet_grid(). Today, I’ll explain this. Let’s upload one data. I measured chlorophyll contents in leaves for two wheat genotypes under both stress and normal conditions. In this case, there are two factors (stress treatment and genotypes). If you’ve read my previous…
Sorghum Development: Insights into Each Growing Phase
I am currently working with sorghum in the field, and I’m documenting its growth stages over time. Stage 0) Emergence □ Sowing date: 2023/05/18□ Emergence: 2023/05/30 As the young sorghum plant pierces the soil’s surface, its initial growth phase is typically gradual. Several factors determine the duration between sowing the seed and its emergence, including the soil’s temperature, the amount and distribution of residue on the soil, its moisture content, the depth at which the seed is planted, and the…
[Crop Note] current corn stage (09 Aug 2023) at Champaign in IL, USA
Around 24 to 26 days after silking, the milky inner fluid (the starchy liquid) within kernels attains a dough-like consistency. At this stage, kernels contain approximately 70% moisture and achieve about 30 to 50% of their mature dry weight. Four embryonic leaves also form during this phase. Once the kernels reach the dough stage, the likelihood of kernel abortion decreases significantly. This suggests that the critical period for determining the number of kernels becomes less relevant after the R3 or…
Nitro-Charged Cold Brew Coffee: Nitrogen enhances the quality of the coffee.
After conducting fieldwork and measuring N2O gas emissions, I stopped by a cafeteria called Espresso Royale Krannert View. This cafeteria is located on campus and is an easy spot to grab a coffee to go. I saw a panel advertising Nitro-Charged Cold Brew Coffee, and it was particularly interesting because I had just finished measuring N2O gas. Do you know why they mentioned N7 in the panel? It’s because the atomic number of nitrogen is 7. The fact that the…
A Comprehensive Guide to Converting ppm to Practical Units with a Portable Gas Analyzer (Gasmet)
In my previous post, I discussed nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in crop fields. Today, I’ll explain how to convert nitrous Oxide (N2O) emissions from ppm to kg ha-1. □ Investigating Patterns of Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Corn Agriculture If you measure N2O (ppm) using a ‘Gasmet,’ a portable gas analyzer (, you’ll ultimately obtain CO2 and N2O data like the one shown below (Of course, we can also obtain data for CH4 and NH3 using the Gasmet, but in this…
어바나 Yugo 아파트 소개 (with BakeLab 카페)
얼마전 이사를 하였습니다. 어바나-샴페인에 6월 중순에 와서 sublet 으로 두달을 다른 곳에서 거주 했었습니다. 어바나-샴페인의 대부분 렌트 회사의 계약일은 8월 중순이기 때문에 6월달에 바로 집을 계약할수가 없었습니다. 대신 현지에서 괜찮은 집과 동네를 퇴근하면서 둘러볼수 있는 기회를 가졌습니다. 여러 가지 상황들을 다 고려하다가 저는 Urbana 에 있는 Yugo 라는 아파트 로 이사를 하기로 했습니다. 이곳은 호텔식 아파트 입니다. 즉, 건물의 일부는 호텔로 사용되고 나머지 일부는 아파트로 사용됩니다. 그래서 1층에 내려오면 마치 호텔에 머무는 느낌이 가끔 듭니다. Yugo 사무실이 1층에 위치하고…
Displaying Both Dates and Numeric Units on the X-Axis in R (feat. patchwork package)
When we create time series graphs in R, it is sometimes necessary to display both dates and numbers on the x-axis. This is because when the x-axis is set to show dates only, it can be challenging to add text or other elements directly onto the graph. However, by using both dates and numbers on the x-axis, we can easily insert texts, lines, and other annotations. Let’s talk with data. and I made a line graph over date. But I…
[Crop Note] current corn stage (03 Aug 2023) at Champaign in IL, USA
The current corn growing stage in Champaign areas is R3, called the milky stage. After 18 – 20 days from the R1 stage, the kernels become mostly yellow and contain “milky” white fluid (i.e., starch accumulates). However, the moisture content of the kernel at R3 is around 80%. Starch accumulation continuously occurs in the endosperm, and cell division of the endosperm is almost complete, indicating that the growth of kernels since R3 would be mostly due to cell expansion and…
[Agronomy article] What Is Difference Between Inorganic and Organic Carbon?
Carbon is one of the most abundant and widely distributed elements in nature. In fact, it ranks as the fourth most abundant element in the universe, following Hydrogen (H), Helium (He), and Oxygen (O). Carbon exists in a gaseous state at high temperatures and, when burned in the air, it combines with oxygen to form carbon dioxide (CO2). The most common types of carbon compounds in the environment are gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). Its atomic…
[슬기로운 어바나-샴페인 생활 101] 학교 식당 (Dining hall) 소개
“슬기로운 어바나-샴페인 생활 101” 은 제가 초기 정착 때 경험한 것들을 시간별로 정리해서 새롭게 오시는 분들에게 필요한 정보를 공유하는 것을 목적으로 하는 프로젝트 입니다. 목차1. 한국에서 어바나-샴페인 (Urbana-Champaign) 가는 방법2. 어바나-샴페인에서 집 구하기 가이드3. 일리노이 주 운전면허 필기시험 기출문제 한국어 번역: 이것만 보고 가시면 무조건 필기 합격!!4. 일리노이주 운전면허 신청 방법5. UIUC 학생증/교직원 카드 신청하기6. 은행계좌 개설하기7. 의료보험 가입하기8. 대중교통 (버스) 이용하기9. 학교 식당 (Dining hall) 소개10. 한식재료 구매하기###S1. 세금 환급 (Tax Refund) 받기 (feat. 세금환급 대행 회사 추천)S2. 어바나-샴페인…
Hemp Research Open Day, University of Illinois Urban-Champaign
Currently, I am involved in hemp seed production, specifically focusing on open-pollinated seed production. We have selected certain plots for donor pollens, and apart from these, I am diligently removing all male plants. Concurrently, I am studying hemp, a subject I hadn’t previously encountered. Earlier, I uploaded a post about how to distinguish between male and female hemp flowers. □ How to distinguish male and female flowers of hemp (Cannabis sativa)? Last week I joined “Hemp Research Open House” held…
Investigating Patterns of Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Corn Agriculture
Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in agriculture primarily come from the microbial processes of nitrification and denitrification in the soil, and they’re strongly influenced by nitrogen management practices, particularly the use of nitrogen fertilizers. □ Why Crops Cannot Directly Utilize Atmospheric Nitrogen (feat. Nitrogen Cycling in Soil)? ■ Nitrification: The microbial process in which ammonium (NH4+), a form of nitrogen that’s often applied as fertilizer, is converted into nitrate (NO3-). This process can result in the production of nitrous oxide as…
[Crop Note] current corn stage (19 July 2023) at Champaign in IL, USA
Today I visited another corn field in Champaign, Illinois to collect gas samples. The corn growing stage is mostly in R1 stage, but I saw some corns reached to R2 stage. After R1 (silking) stage, the period to determine kernel number has gone, and new period is here. It’s kernel weight. Approximately 12 days after silking, silks become dark, and will dry out rapidly over time. In this stage, the developing kernels are white “blisters” (resemble a blister) on the…
[Crop Note] current corn stage (17 July 2023) at Champaign in IL, USA
Now, the current growing stage is R1, and most of the fertilization is finished. Silks change color and become brown. Silks begin to elongate around the V12 stage. It starts from the ovules near the base of the corn cob and then develops sequentially from the base to the top. Silking of the tip ovules is the last to develop, indicating that the silks from the base of the cob would emerge first from the husk leaves. In other words,…
How to Specify a Folder Path in Google Colab: A Tutorial
□ How to use Google Colab for Python (power tool to analyze data)? Last time, I introduced how to mount your Google Drive in Google Colab. This time, I will explain how to set a folder path in Google Colab. First, let’s establish the connection between Google Colab and your Google Drive. The code is as follows: Then, the folders from your Google Drive will appear in the left sidebar of Google Colab. I created a folder called “coding_practice” in…