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Category: Data Science

[Data article] Predicting Intermediate Data Points with Linear Interpolation in Excel and R

[Data article] Predicting Intermediate Data Points with Linear Interpolation in Excel and R

Today, I’ll explain the interpolation technique used to predict in-between data points. For example, when collecting field data, we might not be able to gather information every day, so we establish our own interval (e.g., weekly or bi-weekly). However, when presenting the data, it might be necessary to show it on a daily basis. As another example, consider investigating yield differences in response to varying continuous variables, such as nitrogen at levels of 0, 30, 60, 120. What if we…

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[Meta-Analysis] Mining Academic Papers from SCOPUS with Pybliometrics in Python

[Meta-Analysis] Mining Academic Papers from SCOPUS with Pybliometrics in Python

SCOPUS is one of the largest abstract and citation databases, providing access to a wide range of peer-reviewed literature across various disciplines. It ensures researchers have access to high-quality, up-to-date academic papers, conference proceedings, and other scholarly materials. Pybliometrics is a Python library that streamlines the retrieval of bibliometric data from SCOPUS. It simplifies accessing and manipulating large datasets, saving researchers time and effort compared to manual data collection. Using Pybliometrics to mine academic papers from SCOPUS enables efficient data…

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[Data article] How many times do we need to compare each other according to group numbers ?

[Data article] How many times do we need to compare each other according to group numbers ?

All of a sudden, I became curious about this question, How many time do we need to compare each other according to group numbers?” and searched for the answer on a website, but I couldn’t find a clear answer. Therefore, I calculated it myself. For example, when there are two groups, we will compare them only once. When there are three groups, we need to compare each group with every other group, resulting in three comparisons. With four groups, we…

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Simplifying Data Manipulation: Transposing Columns into Rows with Ease

Simplifying Data Manipulation: Transposing Columns into Rows with Ease

Sometimes, I see many people managing their data as columns like the example below. It seems convenient because we can see our data all at once. However, this data format is problematic for data analysis, which fundamentally relies on variables, namely independent and dependent variables. Download data file (.csv) In the given data format, each level for the independent variable (i.e., location) was not combined in one column, and therefore we need to rearrange the data format. If the…

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