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Tag: str_replace_all ()

How to Rename Variables within Columns in R (feat. case_when() code)?

How to Rename Variables within Columns in R (feat. case_when() code)?

In my previous post, I introduced how to change variable names within columns. In the post, I provided a simple code to rename variables and also used the stringr package for renaming variables. ■ How to Rename Variables within Columns in R? Today I’ll introduce another code to simply rename variables using dplyr() package. In my previous post, using the simple data above, I introduced how to rename variables. For example, we can rename variables using the below code. Or,…

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Graph Partitioning Using facet_wrap() in R Studio

Graph Partitioning Using facet_wrap() in R Studio

While creating graphs, you can certainly draw multiple graphs in a single panel. However, you can also use the facet_wrap() function to divide graphs based on specific variables. First, let’s generate a dataset. I intend to create a bar graph using this data. Therefore, I need to summarize the data. To do this, I must reorganize the data from being divided into columns to being arranged in rows. I have reorganized the data into rows using the reshape2::melt() function. Now,…

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Stacking Data Vertically from Multiple Columns in R Studio (feat. reshape package)

Stacking Data Vertically from Multiple Columns in R Studio (feat. reshape package)

Previously, I posted about how to change the data structure in the following scenario. □ Combining Factors from Separate Datasets into a Single Column Using R Studio (feat. dplyr package) This time, I will introduce a method for changing the structure of data as shown below. Specifically, this is about cases where there are multiple columns within a single dataset, not two different datasets. I will create a simple dataset for illustration purposes. This is a method for taking input…

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