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Author: JK

Converting Character Values to Numeric in R: A How-To Guide

Converting Character Values to Numeric in R: A How-To Guide

First, let’s create a dataset. and observe the different data formats of each value. I have two sets of yield data: one in character format (yield column) and the other in numeric format (yield1 column). How to convert missing value to 0 when data is numeric? When data is numeric (yield1 column), and if there are missing values, how can we replace it to 0? or you can also use the following code. How to convert missing values to 0…

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How to add separate text to panels divided by facet_wrap() in R?

How to add separate text to panels divided by facet_wrap() in R?

□ Graph Partitioning Using facet_wrap() in R Studio□ How to customize the title format in facet_wrap()? In my previous posts, I introduced how to divide panels in one figure using facet_wrap(). Today, I’ll introduce how to add separate text to panels. First, let’s make sure we have the required packages installed. I’ll create a dataset as shown below: Next, I’ll reshape the dataset into columns to facilitate data analysis. And then, I’ll summarize this data using descriptive statistics. Finally, I’ll…

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The Agrivoltaics Image created from DALL∙E3

The Agrivoltaics Image created from DALL∙E3

DALL·E3, developed by OpenAI, is an advanced AI model capable of generating images from textual descriptions. It can create images based on a wide variety of prompts, ranging from straightforward descriptions to more imaginative or abstract concepts. ChatGPT – DALL·E ( I requested images from DALL·E depicting Agrivoltaics farming, and these are the results.

Quantifying pre- and post-anthesis heat waves on grain number and grain weight of contrasting wheat cultivars

Quantifying pre- and post-anthesis heat waves on grain number and grain weight of contrasting wheat cultivars

Quantifying pre- and post-anthesis heat waves on grain number and grain weight of contrasting wheat cultivars The study titled “Quantifying pre- and post-anthesis heat waves on grain number and grain weight of contrasting wheat cultivars” investigates the impact of heat stress on wheat productivity. As temperatures rise, wheat faces challenges in maintaining grain yield. Heat stress adversely affects two critical components: grain number per m2 (GN) and average grain weight (AGW). However, it remains unclear whether the sensitivity of these components differs and…

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How to summarize data using Python?

How to summarize data using Python?

In my previous post, I demonstrated how to create a data table using Python. If you’re interested, please refer to the post below. ■ How to create a data table in Python? I’ll summarize this data by mean and standard error. full code:

Generating Graphs and Summarizing Data Tables in Data Analyst By ChatGPT (feat. texting to coding)

Generating Graphs and Summarizing Data Tables in Data Analyst By ChatGPT (feat. texting to coding)

If you update to ChatGPT Plus version, we can access Data Analyst, and “you can create graphs by texting instead of coding“. Let’s upload a dataset into Data Analyst. This dataset contains data about Fe uptake on wheat grains. If you run the following R code, you can download the data from my GitHub. After downloading the data, let’s proceed to Data Analyst, click the upload button, and upload the data file. ChatGPT – Data Analyst Starting now, I’ll be…

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Efficient Data Management: Variable Filtering in SAS Studio

Efficient Data Management: Variable Filtering in SAS Studio

Today, I’ll introduce how to filter variables after uploading data to SAS Studio. First, let’s upload data to SAS Studio. I’ll summarize data based on Treatment_modified. I want to summarize for each unique ID. So, I’ll add numbers from 1 up to the end. and I’ll summarize data again. Then, I’ll download this data to my PC. 1) to upload data to SAS First, let’s upload the data to SAS. I’ll assign this data to the Test table that I…

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Exploring Machine Learning Fundamentals: Predicting Survival on the Titanic

Exploring Machine Learning Fundamentals: Predicting Survival on the Titanic

In 2024, one of my goals is to learn machine learning and publish a crop physiology paper in an academic journal using machine learning. While taking online or offline courses of machine learning, I discovered Kaggle, a popular platform for data science and machine learning competitions, datasets, and tutorials. Kaggle provides excellent datasets for practicing basic machine learning and data analysis. If you visit the Kaggle website: Titanic – Machine Learning from Disaster, you can access and download various datasets….

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How to import Kaggle datasets directly into Google Colab?

How to import Kaggle datasets directly into Google Colab?

Kaggle is a popular online platform for data science and machine learning competitions, datasets, and tutorials. You can find high-quality data on Kaggle to practice data analysis. I have uploaded some of my data on Kaggle to share it with others. Recently, I’ve begun learning machine learning, and one of the most fundamental datasets for this purpose is the Titanic dataset. By visiting the website below, you can download the Titanic survivor data and practice machine learning with this foundational…

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In R, Drawing Lines with Different X-axis Starting Positions

In R, Drawing Lines with Different X-axis Starting Positions

In R, I want to draw a line in a graph, and first, I’ll create the data. Next, I’ll create a bar graph. In this graph, I want to draw a horizontal line. The code to draw lines is introduced in the post below. □ Drawing Lines in ggplot() I added a horizontal line to represent the mean yield of all cultivars. Next, I would like to draw a horizontal line starting from Cultivar B. How can this be achieved?…

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How to run R codes in Visual Studio Code? A Step-by-Step Guide

How to run R codes in Visual Studio Code? A Step-by-Step Guide

Visual Studio Code is a free and open-source code editor developed by Microsoft. It is a versatile editor that supports a wide range of programming languages, including, but not limited to, R, Python, SQL, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C#, and many others. The software provides a unified and user-friendly interface for developers working with different languages, making it a popular choice across various programming communities. Now, I’m working on my SQL code in Visual Studio Code, and recently, I’ve also been…

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Matching Datasets in R: An Approach Comparable to Excel’s VLOOKUP Function

Matching Datasets in R: An Approach Comparable to Excel’s VLOOKUP Function

I have two datasets. Now, I want to combine these two datasets, but the row numbers differ between the two datasets. In dataB, the 3rd replicate for Tr1 and the 2nd replicate for Tr3 were deleted due to environmental errors. In this case, simply combining the two datasets is not feasible. One solution is to merge them row-wise using the rbind() function. This way, the two datasets will be combined by row. However, my goal is to combine the two…

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How to run R codes in Google Colab?

How to run R codes in Google Colab?

Google Colab is essentially a Jupyter notebook environment, which means that typically only Python code works. However, it is also possible to use R code in Google Colab. If you’re unfamiliar with Google Colab, please read the post below to grasp its general concept. □ How to use Google Colab for Python (power tool to analyze data)? When opening a new Google Colab window, navigate to Runtime in the menu, choose Change runtime type, and a new window will appear,…

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How to convert an uploaded data to code in R?

How to convert an uploaded data to code in R?

Let’s upload one dataset to R. Now, I want to save this data as code so that I can store it in my web note. This is because it would be difficult to find the original dataset after a long time. Therefore, I want to save it as text code in a list on my web note. 1) using dput() First, we can use dput() function. 2) using datapasta() Second, we can use datapasta() function 3) using constructive() This is…

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How to Upload Data from GitHub Using R and Python?

How to Upload Data from GitHub Using R and Python?

I have soybean yield data that I want to upload to Github and access from R. First, let’s upload the data to Github. The data should be in .csv format. Click Add file, choose Upload files, and, after uploading, select the Raw button to view the data in .csv format as text. and you can find the address for this data, starting with… Let’s copy this address. Next, I’ll bring this data into R from Github. Before that, let’s…

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Customizing R Graphs: Splitting Text into Two Rows

Customizing R Graphs: Splitting Text into Two Rows

I have a dataset as below. Now, I want to create a bar graph about this data. First, let’s summarize the data. Then, let’s create a bar graph. Now, to save space, I’d like to split the x-axis text into two rows using the following code. When you run the same code to create a bar graph, the resulting graph is shown below. Code summary © 2022 – 2023

2024 Mission Statement

2024 Mission Statement

Manifesto: Transform each day into a canvas with a work of art as a project, shaped by the strokes of life. [1] I strive to make today better than yesterday. [1.1] In 2024, I document my daily life with a single photo that encapsulates each day.[1.2] In 2024, I compile my top 10 news on a weekly, and monthly basis.[1.3] In 2024, I write one column per month on my blog.[1.4] In 2024, I set daily, weekly, and monthly goals…

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A Practical Approach to Linear Mixed-Effects Modeling in R

A Practical Approach to Linear Mixed-Effects Modeling in R

A Linear Mixed-Effects Model (LMM) is a statistical model that combines both fixed effects and random effects to analyze data with repeated measurements or hierarchical structure. Let’s break down the key components and concepts of a Linear Mixed-Effects Model: 1) Fixed Effects: 2) Random Effects: 3) Linear Mixed-Effects Model Equation: The general equation of a Linear Mixed-Effects Model can be written as: Y= Xβ + Zb + ε 4) Estimation: In summary, Linear Mixed-Effects Models are a powerful statistical tool…

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[슬기로운 어바나-샴페인 생활 101] 어바나-샴페인 맛집 탐방

[슬기로운 어바나-샴페인 생활 101] 어바나-샴페인 맛집 탐방

“슬기로운 어바나-샴페인 생활 101” 은 제가 초기 정착 때 경험한 것들을 시간별로 정리해서 새롭게 오시는 분들에게 필요한 정보를 공유하는 것을 목적으로 하는 프로젝트 입니다. 목차1. 한국에서 어바나-샴페인 (Urbana-Champaign) 가는 방법2. 어바나-샴페인에서 집 구하기 가이드3. 일리노이 주 운전면허 필기시험 기출문제 한국어 번역: 이것만 보고 가시면 무조건 필기 합격!!4. 일리노이주 운전면허 신청 방법5. UIUC 학생증/교직원 카드 신청하기6. 은행계좌 개설하기7. 의료보험 가입하기8. 대중교통 (버스) 이용하기9. 학교 식당 (Dining hall) 10. 한식재료 구매하기###S1. 세금 환급 (Tax Refund) 받기 (feat. 세금환급 대행 회사 추천)S2. 어바나-샴페인…

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[슬기로운 어바나-샴페인 생활 101] UIUC 재직증명서 발급

[슬기로운 어바나-샴페인 생활 101] UIUC 재직증명서 발급

“슬기로운 어바나-샴페인 생활 101” 은 제가 초기 정착 때 경험한 것들을 시간별로 정리해서 새롭게 오시는 분들에게 필요한 정보를 공유하는 것을 목적으로 하는 프로젝트 입니다. 목차1. 한국에서 어바나-샴페인 (Urbana-Champaign) 가는 방법2. 어바나-샴페인에서 집 구하기 가이드3. 일리노이 주 운전면허 필기시험 기출문제 한국어 번역: 이것만 보고 가시면 무조건 필기 합격!!4. 일리노이주 운전면허 신청 방법5. UIUC 학생증/교직원 카드 신청하기6. 은행계좌 개설하기7. 의료보험 가입하기8. 대중교통 (버스) 이용하기9. 학교 식당 (Dining hall) 소개10. 한식재료 구매하기###S1. 세금 환급 (Tax Refund) 받기 (feat. 세금환급 대행 회사 추천)S2. 어바나-샴페인…

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[슬기로운 어바나-샴페인 생활 101] 연차/휴가 신청하기

[슬기로운 어바나-샴페인 생활 101] 연차/휴가 신청하기

“슬기로운 어바나-샴페인 생활 101” 은 제가 초기 정착 때 경험한 것들을 시간별로 정리해서 새롭게 오시는 분들에게 필요한 정보를 공유하는 것을 목적으로 하는 프로젝트 입니다. 목차1. 한국에서 어바나-샴페인 (Urbana-Champaign) 가는 방법2. 어바나-샴페인에서 집 구하기 가이드3. 일리노이 주 운전면허 필기시험 기출문제 한국어 번역: 이것만 보고 가시면 무조건 필기 합격!!4. 일리노이주 운전면허 신청 방법5. UIUC 학생증/교직원 카드 신청하기6. 은행계좌 개설하기7. 의료보험 가입하기8. 대중교통 (버스) 이용하기9. 학교 식당 (Dining hall) 10. 한식재료 구매하기###S1. 세금 환급 (Tax Refund) 받기 (feat. 세금환급 대행 회사 추천)S2. 어바나-샴페인…

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Step-by-Step Guide to Calculating and Adding Variable Means in R

Step-by-Step Guide to Calculating and Adding Variable Means in R

Here is one dataset. I want to add the mean of each treatment to a new column, and I am using the following code. However, the code is quite lengthy. Let’s simplify it using tapply() How about there are more variables? Now, I want to add the mean of the combination of treatment and environment. I want to calculate the mean of combination between A and North Full: We aim to develop open-source code for agronomy ([email protected]) © 2022…

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[슬기로운 어바나-샴페인 생활 101] 세금 환급 (Tax Refund) 받기 (feat. 세금환급 대행 회사 추천)

[슬기로운 어바나-샴페인 생활 101] 세금 환급 (Tax Refund) 받기 (feat. 세금환급 대행 회사 추천)

“슬기로운 어바나-샴페인 생활 101” 은 제가 초기 정착 때 경험한 것들을 시간별로 정리해서 새롭게 오시는 분들에게 필요한 정보를 공유하는 것을 목적으로 하는 프로젝트 입니다. 목차1. 한국에서 어바나-샴페인 (Urbana-Champaign) 가는 방법2. 어바나-샴페인에서 집 구하기 가이드3. 일리노이 주 운전면허 필기시험 기출문제 한국어 번역: 이것만 보고 가시면 무조건 필기 합격!!4. 일리노이주 운전면허 신청 방법5. UIUC 학생증/교직원 카드 신청하기6. 은행계좌 개설하기7. 의료보험 가입하기8. 대중교통 (버스) 이용하기9. 학교 식당 (Dining hall) 10. 한식재료 구매하기###S1. 세금 환급 (Tax Refund) 받기 (feat. 세금환급 대행 회사 추천)S2. 어바나-샴페인…

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