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Author: JK

Current corn stage (19 July 2022) at Guelph in Ontario, Canada

Current corn stage (19 July 2022) at Guelph in Ontario, Canada

Sowing date: 12/05/2022 Today: 19/07/2022 (69 days from sowing) Current stage: V13-V14 Site: Guelph, Ontario, Canada Now corn is reaching to VT. Sooner or later, tassels will come out and also corn silk will appear. Now it’s so drought. When corn goes through drought stress, they roll up leaves to protect water loss. So, when you stand in corn field, you can see upper leaves look like sharp. Lower leaves start to be senescent.

What is ANCOVA (2/3)? How to interpret Parameter Estimates

What is ANCOVA (2/3)? How to interpret Parameter Estimates

Previous post□ What is ANCOVA (1/3)? The basic concept In previous post, I explained how to interpret ANCOVA table (red box in below tables). In this post, I’ll explain how to interpret Parameter Estimates (blue box in below table) in ANCOVA analysis. Let’s check the ‘Parameter Estimates’ table. Most statistical programs set up one level of an experimental factor as “zero” and estimate the results based on that level. This concept is known as the Generalized Linear Model (GLM). If you…

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What is ANCOVA (1/3)? The basic concept

What is ANCOVA (1/3)? The basic concept

Today, I will explain Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). ANCOVA is a statistical technique that involves including covariates, which are additional variables that may impact the dependent variable (y) in addition to the independent variable (x). I have a dataset as shown below, and I would like to analyze crop yield based on different fertilizer types (Control, Slow-release, and Fast-release). The experimental design is a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 10 replicates. Rep Fertilizer Yield Fertilizer Yield Fertilizer Yield 1 Control…

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What is ANCOVA (3/3)? The common slope and adjusted mean

What is ANCOVA (3/3)? The common slope and adjusted mean

Previous post□ What is ANCOVA (1/3)? The basic concept□ What is ANCOVA (2/3)? How to interpret Parameter Estimates In the previous posts, I explained the basic concept of ANCOVA and how to interpret statistical results. Now, I will discuss the most important concept that is not commonly mentioned. The statistical program provided the following model in the previous posts. Control: y= 9.53 + 0.0558 xFast: y= 6.39 + 0.0558 xSlow: y= 13.10 + 0.0558 x Then, if we apply the mean…

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In R STUDIO, how to reverse the order of x-axis (numeric), and also change the direction of graph?

In R STUDIO, how to reverse the order of x-axis (numeric), and also change the direction of graph?

Here is one data Then I make a regression graph. Now, I’d like to reverse the order of x-axis by descending (60 to 0). So I delete the code, scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-0, 60, 10), limits = c(-0, 60)) and add a new code, scale_x_reverse(limits = c(60,0)) So the whole code is below. Now, you can see the order of x-axis is changed and also the direction of the graph is changed. How to adjust unit of the axis? To adjust…

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Current corn stage at Guelph in Ontario, Canada

Current corn stage at Guelph in Ontario, Canada

Sowing date: 12/05/2022 Today: 28/06/2022 (61 days from sowing) Current stage: V7-V8 Site: Guelph, Ontario, Canada Today is 61 days from sowing corn in Guelph. The current stage of corn is between V7 and V8. From now on, the demand of nitrogen in corn will be increased. Therefore, it would be important to track down the current stage of corn continuously. Agronomy study is always fascinated!!

Displaying Axis Values as Percentages in R Studio with Simple Code

Displaying Axis Values as Percentages in R Studio with Simple Code

Let’s create a simple dataset and draw a bar graph with this data The values on the y-axis are in decimal points. I would like to display them as percentages. So, I will insert the code labels=scales::percent inside the scale_y_continuous() function. The complete code is as follows: The values on the y-axis have changed to percentages.

캐나다 궬프 (구엘프) 대학교 도착 (포닥 연구 시작)

캐나다 궬프 (구엘프) 대학교 도착 (포닥 연구 시작)

캐나다 포닥 비자가 이토록 오래 걸릴거라곤 생각조차 못했습니다. 총 13주를 기다렸지만 비자가 나오지 않아 그냥 입국장 심사 (Port of Entry) 로 비자를 받기로 결정하고 무작정 캐다나로 출국 하였습니다. 토론토 피어슨 국제공항에 도착 후 바로 공항 내 Immigrant center 에 가서 비자를 받기 위해 거의 2시간을 기다렸습니다. 제 대기순서가 되어 이민관에게 온라인으로 비자 신청을 했지만 너무 오래 걸려서 입국장 심사를 받기 위해 왔다고 설명했고 이민관은 몇가지 질문을 하더니 바로 현장에서 work permit 비자를 발급해 주었습니다. 순간 이럴줄 알았으면 온라인으로 신청하지 말고…

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Uploading Excel Data in R and Converting it to Code for Improved Management

Uploading Excel Data in R and Converting it to Code for Improved Management

Recently, I have uploaded a large excel dataset into R. This data consists of 7,849 columns. Upon checking the excel file size, it’s approximately 1MB in size. Now, I’d like to share this data with someone else. However, instead of attaching it as an excel file, I want to send it as R code, allowing them to work with the data directly in R. Therefore, all I need to do is convert this data into code. Below is how you…

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Exporting Individual Graph Images with R Studio and ggsave()

Exporting Individual Graph Images with R Studio and ggsave()

After creating a graph using R, repeatedly copying and pasting it to move it becomes a cumbersome task. Today, I’ll demonstrate how to easily relocate the graph. Let’s generate some data and draw a graph to demonstrate. Running the code like this will display the graph in the Plot window. Then, each time, you’ll need to click Export, save it with a different name, or copy the image to place the graph where you want. In reality, this task is…

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Exploring Axis Title and Text Spacing Adjustment in R Studio for Graphs

Exploring Axis Title and Text Spacing Adjustment in R Studio for Graphs

If you visit FAOSTAT (, you can download high-quality data related to agriculture. Recently, I conducted an analysis of the trends in global and European wheat harvest quantities. As a result, I performed data analysis similar to the following. The complete code for the above graph is as follows: In the above graph, it seems that the axis title labels are too close to the axis text. I’d like to increase the spacing a bit. From now on, I’ll be…

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How to Create a KML File with Google Maps or Google Earth: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Create a KML File with Google Maps or Google Earth: Step-by-Step Guide

I will introduce how to create a KML file using Google Maps or Google Earth. First, go to Google My Maps using the link below, and click on CREATE A NEW MAP. Then you will be directed to the following screen. Here, enter the address you want. I want to share the address of Rogers Centre in Toronto with my friend via a KML file, as I am planning to watch a Toronto Blue Jays game there. When I…

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네덜란드 범죄경력증명서 (Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag-VOG) 신청 및 수령하기

네덜란드 범죄경력증명서 (Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag-VOG) 신청 및 수령하기

특정 국가의 취업 비자나 여러가지 입국 서류를 준비하다보면 필수 서류중 하나가 과거 체류한 국가의 범죄 경력증명서 입니다. 이미 그 나라를 떠난 상태에서 해당 국가의 범죄 경력증명서를 받기는 쉽지 않습니다. 저는 과거 네덜란드에 거주하였는데 이번 다른 국가에서의 취업비자를 준비하던 중 과거 6개월 이상 체류한 국가의 범죄경력증명서 제출이 필수여서 이번에 한국에서 네덜란드 범죄경력증명서를 발급 받았습니다. 제가 발급받았던 신청 과정을 공유합니다. 1) 범죄경력 증명서를 발급받는 홈페이지 방문 네덜란드 범죄경력 증명서는 Certificate of Conduct 라고 부르며 네덜란드어로는 Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag-VOG 라고 합니다….

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[데이터 칼럼] 회귀모델의 절편을 0 으로 조정 했을때 결정계수는 어떻게 변할까?

[데이터 칼럼] 회귀모델의 절편을 0 으로 조정 했을때 결정계수는 어떻게 변할까?

과거에 저는 밀 종자의 면적을 구하기 위해 밀 종자를 이미지 스캔하고, 그 다음에는 각 밀 종자의 면적에 해당하는 무게를 측정하였습니다. 다음 회귀 분석은 밀 종자의 면적과 무게 간의 관계를 보여줍니다. # Data download 위 데이터를 제 Github 에서 R 로 업로드 하겠습니다. 그리고 통계 분석을 해 보겠습니다. 회귀모형 y= 3.3333x – 13.7155 을 Excel 과 R을 사용하여 얻었습니다. 여기서 y 는 밀 종자 무게(mg) 이고, x 는 밀 종자 면적(mm2) 입니다. 그러나 이 모델에서, x 값이 작아지는 어느 시점부터…

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Creating a Data Frame in R Studio

Creating a Data Frame in R Studio

Today, I will show you how to create a data frame using R Studio. We have several variables that we will combine into a data frame. The ‘nation’ variable consists of five countries: “USA”, “GERMANY”, “NETHERLANDS”, “DENMARK”, and “KOREA”. We also have some survey data on the happiness and economic power of each country. To create a data frame in R, we can use the data.frame() function to combine all variables. In this example, I have written the code as…

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Creating Visual Emphasis: Adding Dotted Boxes to Graphs in R Studio

Creating Visual Emphasis: Adding Dotted Boxes to Graphs in R Studio

I’ll explain how to insert a box in a graph to highlight it. I’ll generate some data. “This data pertains to the yield and standard error for five different genotypes. I’ll create a bar chart to visualize it. In this graph, genotypes D and E exhibit greater yields compared to the other genotypes. My current objective is to emphasize genotypes D and E by adding a dotted box. To achieve this, we can utilize the geom_rect(). For geom_rect(), I set…

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단순선형 회귀분석에서 결정계수 (R², Coefficient of Determination) 를 가장 쉽게 설명해 보자

단순선형 회귀분석에서 결정계수 (R², Coefficient of Determination) 를 가장 쉽게 설명해 보자

여기 x 와 y 에 대한 데이터가 있습니다. x 가 변화함에 따라 y 는 어떻게 달라지는지를 알고 싶어 회귀분석을 해 보겠습니다. x y 1 10 30 2 20 40 3 30 50 4 40 80 5 50 90 6 60 100 7 70 120 저는 SAS 를 이용합니다. 먼저 데이터 데이블을 생성합니다. 그리고 단순선형 회귀분석을 해 보겠습니다. 통계 프로그램은 회귀방정식 y= 11.429 + 1.5357x 를 제공해 주었습니다. 즉, x 가 1 증가할 때 y 는1.5357 배로 증가합니다. 그리고 이 회귀모형의…

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How to automatically insert linear regression equation in graph in RSTUDIO?

How to automatically insert linear regression equation in graph in RSTUDIO?

Sometimes, we need to insert a linear regression equation inside a graph, but it’s an annoying to type an equation every time when generating a linear regression graph. Using stat_poly_eq(), we can automatically insert a linear regression equation. Let’s generate one data frame. Then, I’ll generate a regression graph. Now let’s analyze a linear regression. The linear model equation is y= 9.1429 + 1.5357x and R2 is 0.9245. Now I’ll insert this equation model automatically using stat_poly_eq(). I’ll add the…

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[스페인 농업일기] 스페인 작물 학회 (FiRCMe) 발표

[스페인 농업일기] 스페인 작물 학회 (FiRCMe) 발표

팜플로나에 있는 University of Navarra 에서 진행된 스페인 작물 학회에서 발표를 하였습니다. 발표 주제는 밀 수확량에 영향을 미치는 고온 스트레스에 관한 내용이었습니다. 고온 스트레스는 밀 수확량에 영향을 미칠때 직접적으로 종자에 영향을 미치는지, 잎에 직접적으로 영향을 미쳐 최종적으로는 간접적으로 종자에 영향을 미치는지에 대한 내용을 발표했습니다. p.s. 팜플로나의 야경

In R STUDIO, how to apply the same font type and size in ggplot?

In R STUDIO, how to apply the same font type and size in ggplot?

First, let’s generate a simple data. Then I’ll make a bar graph using ggplot2. Now, I made a bar graph like above, but in the code to make this bar graph, I repeated font type and size over and over to set up the same font type and size in both graph title and text (also in x and y axis). I want to reduce this repeated codes, and the solution is using theme_grey(). axis.title.x= element_text (family=”serif”, size=15, color=”black”), axis.title.y=…

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Creating Stacked Bar Graphs in R Studio: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating Stacked Bar Graphs in R Studio: A Step-by-Step Guide

Today, I’ll be introducing how to create stacked bar graphs using R Studio. To start, I will generate a data table as shown below. I’ll make stacked bar graphs using this data table. First of all, it’s necessary to summarize the data. I’ll use ddply() function. If I use this code, the error message pops up This is because when generating data, I used double quotation marks such as yield = c(rep(“15”, 5), rep(“18”, 5), rep(“20”, 8), rep(“14”, 7), rep(“21”,…

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예이다 La Seu Vella (라 세우 벨라)

예이다 La Seu Vella (라 세우 벨라)

박사 논문 막바지 단계에 있습니다. 사무실에서 일하다가 기분전환이나 할겸 예이다에서 가장 유명한 (사실 유일한) 관광지인 La Seu Vella 를 다녀왔습니다. La Seu Vella 를 올라갈수 있는 길은 여러곳이 있습니다만 저는 개인적으로 여기가 공식적인 정문이라고 생각하고 있습니다. La Seu Vella 에 올라가면 예이다 시내를 한눈에 볼수 있습니다. 그래서 가끔 여기 와서 도시 풍경 보는 것을 좋아합니다. 이곳은 La Seu Vella 에 있는 카페테리아 입니다. 이곳에 앉아 쉬면서 도시 풍경을 보는 재미가 있습니다. 잠시 성에 앉아 도시 풍경을 보며 박사과정 이후의 삶에…

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How to conduct Least Significant difference (LSD) test using R STUDIO?

How to conduct Least Significant difference (LSD) test using R STUDIO?

For the mean comparison among variables, Least Significant difference (LSD) test is the most common method. Today I’ll introduce LSD test using R Studio. Here is one data. This data is about the yield difference of CV1 in response to 4 different nitrogen fertilizer (N0 ,N1, N2, N3). First of all, let’s check the mean per each nitrogen fertilizer. It seems that yield is different from nitrogen fertilizers, but we need to confirm it statistically. First, I’ll run One-Way ANOVA…

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[스페인 농업일기] 스페인 카탈루냐 지역 2021년 밀 수확

[스페인 농업일기] 스페인 카탈루냐 지역 2021년 밀 수확

2021년 겨울밀 수확 현장에 참여했습니다. 횟수로는 4년째 스페인에서 밀 수확 현장에 참여하고 있습니다. 올해 저는 필드실험이 없어서 아주 오랜만에 필드 방문이기도 해서 더욱더 기분이 좋았던 하루 였습니다 아주 뜨거운 날씨입니다. 밀은 아주 잘 익어서 밀 이삭 역시 고개를 숙이고 있습니다. 파종을 작년 11월 중순에 했으니 7개월 정도 잘 자라 주었습니다. 필드 연구는 언제나 즐겁습니다.

Graph Partitioning Using facet_wrap() in R Studio

Graph Partitioning Using facet_wrap() in R Studio

While creating graphs, you can certainly draw multiple graphs in a single panel. However, you can also use the facet_wrap() function to divide graphs based on specific variables. First, let’s generate a dataset. I intend to create a bar graph using this data. Therefore, I need to summarize the data. To do this, I must reorganize the data from being divided into columns to being arranged in rows. I have reorganized the data into rows using the reshape2::melt() function. Now,…

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Utilizing stat_summary() in R Studio to Summarize Data Graphically

Utilizing stat_summary() in R Studio to Summarize Data Graphically

When creating graphs using data, especially those involving error bars, it is necessary to calculate the standard error by summarizing the data. There are various methods to summarize the data. □ Utilizing R Studio for Data Grouping and Mean/Standard Error Calculation (feat ddply) Today I will introduce a method of creating graphs all at once using stat_summary() without the need for such data summarization. Below is an example dataset: Now I want to display the data as points by placing…

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