[Paper review] Weight of individual wheat grains estimated from high-throughput digital images of grain area
Kim, J., Savin, R. and Slafer, G.A., 2021. Weight of individual wheat grains estimated from high-throughput digital images of grain area. European Journal of Agronomy, 124, p.126237. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1161030121000095
■ Context and Objective
This study focuses on estimating the weight of individual wheat grains using high-throughput digital images of grain area. Given the importance of average grain weight (AGW) as a key component of wheat yield, the researchers aimed to develop a reliable model to convert grain dimensions from 2D images into grain weights, facilitating large-scale analysis.
■ Methods
Field experiments were conducted in Catalonia, Spain, across three growing seasons, involving different wheat cultivars and nitrogen fertilization treatments. The study utilized the MARVIN 5.0 optical seed analyzer to measure grain dimensions (length, width, area) from digital images and compared these to the actual weights of grains measured with a precision balance. The researchers developed and validated a predictive model using these data.
- Model Development:
- Linear and power curve models were tested to establish relationships between grain weight and dimensions.
- Grain area emerged as a better predictor of weight than length or width.
- A power curve model y=x1.32 (where y is the predicted grain weight and x is the measured grain area) provided the best fit.
- Validation:
- The model was validated using independent data from the same experiments and other completely independent experiments, including different cultivars and environmental treatments such as heat stress.
■ Results
- Predictive Model:
- The power curve model y=x1.32 explained more than 90% of the variation in grain weight.
- This model was consistent across a wide range of genotypes and growing conditions.
- Validation:
- The model accurately predicted grain weights for independent data sets, showing a high correlation between predicted and actual weights.
- The frequency distributions of actual and predicted weights were not significantly different, indicating the robustness of the model.
■ Discussion
The study highlights the efficiency and accuracy of using digital image analysis for estimating grain weights, which is valuable for large-scale agronomic studies. The power curve model developed can be applied widely to different wheat genotypes and environmental conditions, making it a useful tool for researchers and breeders. This approach overcomes the limitations of manually weighing individual grains, providing a practical solution for detailed yield component analysis.
■ Conclusion
The power curve model y=x1.32 reliably estimates individual wheat grain weights from grain area measured by high-throughput digital imaging. This method facilitates detailed analysis of yield components, contributing to more efficient breeding and management practices.